Once your communication strategy is determined, we can help you execute it. Our team of writers, planners, designers and PR gurus can help you implement critical marketing tactics. And because we specialize in public safety, we make sure that the language, tone, imagery, design and approach of those tactics is expertly tailored to your audiences.

Expert Content
To tell your story, we may use any of a combination of tools—video, case studies, white papers, webinars and more. One constant is using our position as a trusted third party to help your customers sing your praises. Our approach is to educate and inform the audience. Overt selling and overly promotional material is a turn-off to public safety leaders, who want trusted advice and information. The result is content that brings credibility to your organization, your service or product.
Mission-Driven Digital
Websites. Social strategy. Lead gen. SEO. Etc. It’s easy to get caught in the trap of trying to do everything all at once. But what do you prioritize? First, we line up how to best support your over-arching strategy. Then, we work with you to identify and prioritize the most impactful digital efforts. You should be able to focus on your organization’s mission without getting sucked into the digital weeds. We’ll help you focus on the right efforts at the right time.

Campaign Development
Sometimes you need to get the word out in a broad or targeted way. We develop campaign strategy and execute via PR, paid media, social, conferences and trade shows, content marketing and more. When done right, the sum of a campaign will ALWAYS be greater than the parts. Each element should tie to the next, building momentum and bringing the message to your audience in a variety of ways and channels that cause them to take ACTION.
Bob Niskanen, Founder
Resurgent Biomedical Consulting, LLC